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Artist Statement

Through drawing and printmaking, I aspire to extend my artistic practice into a

narrative exploration, delving into the intricate themes of disconnection and connection to

a land that often remains elusive in my understanding. Influenced by Gloria Anzaldúa’s

work, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, I immerse myself into the female

psyche and weave my lived experiences into my artwork. I utilize the vessel as a potent

metaphor for containment, identity, and the nuanced relationship I have with land. This

fascination with containment propelled me to incorporate organic material as a tool in my

creative practice, producing imprints, embossments, and tactile dimensions that create a

bridge between the natural world and abstraction. Layering charcoal, graphite

transfers, and acrylic paint I explore the interplay of light and shadow through a

monochrome palette. By layering these elements and manipulating cast shadows of

organic material onto canvas, I craft immersive artworks that challenge perceptions and

invite contemplation on the tensions between darkness and light, stillness and movement.

The choice of canvas and drop cloth materials allows me the freedom to work at a

large scale, while also integrating collage elements that further enhance the visual and

conceptual richness of my pieces. Employing a printing press and the technique of

pressure application is a deliberate homage to the tactile relationship between labor and




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